What do you love most about being a photographer?
Oh let me count the ways!!! The ability to capture open and honest emotions. between a couple in love. Revealing to my young high school clients how authentically beautiful they are. The friendships and connections I establish with amazing people.
How would you describe your photography style?
I have always been a soulful and moody shooter…it comes from deep inside me. The camera became a source of healing and expression from the beginning of my photography journey. I experienced a deep and traumatic loss in my life, and my images reflected that. As I have grown and healed, my imagery has evolved into a lighter and ethereal feel. My goal is to evoke an emotion in my clients and viewers when looking at my work.
If you could shoot on location at any location in the world, where would it be?
Italy and Africa…Hands Down.
Did you study photography in school or are you self taught?
I am 100% self taught. I honestly didn’t think I would EVER wrap my head around that scary digital SLR. I read SO many books, studied the Masters, and photographed everything and anyone who would let me. I did take some on-line Photoshop courses through the Academy of Art Institute in San Francisco, Ca. Those were invaluable!How do you use light to your advantage? Do you have a favorite time to have sessions?
It’s ALL about the light. When I photograph high school seniors and engagements, I schedule the sessions about 1.5 hours before sunset if it’s a clear skies day. When shooting, I am always looking for “pockets of magic light”. When I am forced to shoot indoors, I always shoot next to a large window. Window light is amazing.

What camera do you shoot with? What is your favorite lens?I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II. My favorite lenses are the Canon 85mm 1.2L and the 35mm 1.4 L.
What is the best marketing tool that has worked for you?In regards to Wedding Clients, word of mouth is my best “marketing tool.” Connecting with my clients and building a relationship with them is vital. Having my work featured on well known wedding blogs is also very important to getting my name out there. Facebook has been my best marketing tool for High School Senior clients. FREE ADVERTISING!! They LOVE to show off their images!!
How important is it to believe in the product you are selling? And how do you convey that value to your clients?
Ultimately, the product I am selling is myself. I have to be confident in my work, and stay true to myself and what I am passionate about. It’s about that connection, and following through on my promises. I want my clients to remember the experience, not just have pretty pictures. 🙂
If you have learned one thing in the past year, what was it?Shoot for myself more!! It’s vital for me to stay inspired and fresh, and shooting personal projects provides that fuel I need.
Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 years?I have NO idea. I would LIKE to see myself shooting wedding exclusively with film by that point. That is my personal goal.
I am a wife. I am a mother to 3 amazing human beings. I am a believer in God, and worshipper of Christ. I am an artist. I am a widow. I am a lover of warmth. I am insecure. I am hopeful. I am driven. I am passionate. I am blessed. I am ordinary. I am Amanda K, and it’s not about ME.  Visit my website here and my facebook page here.
You are inspiring Amanda. Thank you for your honest words. Emotions are definetely in your pictures, they are amazing. Thank you for sharing!
Photos are very moving. Love this. Thanks for sharing!
Amanda…I Love who you say you are! I concur with “it is not about me.” TGBTG : )
Thanks for sharing, Amanda. Your work is beautiful!
Totally gorgeous and inspirational work.
You are very inspiring. It’s always wonderful finding new friends who live with the same passion with their camera’s. Thanks for sharing with us!