Today, we have the incredible Audrey Woulard on the blog! Take a moment to learn more about Audrey, and visit her website. Thank you so much Audrey for taking the time to share your work with us today!
Where did your inspiration for photography begin?
Like a lot of photographers who were mom’s first, inspiration came after the birth of my children. I was hooked.
How would you describe your photography style?
Thats a hard one as I try not to pigeonhole myself into a box. If I had to describe it I would say modern and trendy.
Did you study photography in school or are you self taught?
I am 100% self taught. In fact, I taught myself off of a film camera, and a teeny tiny 1.3 megapixel digital camera.
Do you shoot Canon or Nikon, and what is your favorite lens?
I’m a Nikon shooter, and my favorite lens is my 85mm 1.4.
Do you have any tips for photographers on how to find the light?
Oh definitely! I always tell photographers to have your subjects stand in the area where you want to photograph them. The light tells the story by how it registers on their faces, body……their clothes. The vision they want should be a clear before they start shooting so when they see that light….it all clicks! Just look at the faces… the light tells you what your going to get. You can also look at foliage. Look at how the light falls on trees, the limbs, the leaves… Thats how it will fall on your subjects. I could go on and on about this!
What is the most challenging thing about photographing children?
I find children rather easy. They are so honest. My only challenge is making sure I am the main adult they are connecting with during the session. In other words, I can’t compete with mom or dad. 🙂
What is a good lesson you have learned this year in photography or in your business?
That your work must evolve with the times. If you remain the same forever, you will be left behind.
If you could encourage a new photographer in one area, what would it be?
Find a photographic style that comes from within. The way you execute the creation of images from the time you snap the shutter, until the time you hit save in your editing software should all be uniquely you…. your vision. If you are successful at doing that, you can never be duplicated. In regards to business, your brand should never be only about colors, logo, and the latest website. It should ALWAYS be about what can you…only you bring to the table. Its not about the latest and greatest product….its always and only about you. Thats the key to longevity.
What do you love most about being a photographer?
By far the best thing is the relationships Ive built. I have a very, very loyal client base. Some of these kids (who are now teens), I have been with since they were very little. Ive become involved with families that I would have not otherwise met had I not been a photographer.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’ve been a photographer for the last 10 years, and I still regularly photograph today many of the kids I serviced during my first 2-3 years in business. I am moving into being a Tween photographer 100% of the time now!
About the Artist: Audrey Woulard is a 100% natural light photographer based out of Chicago. She specializes in children’s portraiture and commercial children’s work and shoots in her 2100 sq foot natural light studio in Downtown Chicago as well as on-location. She is a regular platform speaker for the WPPI conference as well as PPA’s Imaging USA. She also hosts workshops at her studio and writes online ebooks for photographers.
I’ve always thought Audrey’s work was beautiful. Miz Booshay first introduced me to her work. Thanks for taking the time to share!
I love love Audrey’s work and I’m always inspired by here. Definitely true talent and also doing something different. Hope to see you at WPPI.
I have loved her work since I started taking photos. So glad you shared!
Love this article!! I fell in love with the Target picture. Will start to follow Audrey Woulard now!